The sale includes the reliable and well-known business, plus the exceptional property which makes a total return to the owner of approximately $530,000 based on EOFY2021.
The business typically trades just 5.5 days per week with 80% of sales to homeowners, trades and organisations who purchase bulk and bagged landscape supplies plus landscaping materials. Approximately 20% of sales are quoted and build landscape projects where a builders or equivalent licence is required. This is a very high margin business with no wholesale sales.
Key Sale Highlights
- The business is listed for $950,000 (plus stock at cost – estimated at up to $60,000) with a normalised adjusted net profit to the owner of $444,000 for EOFY2021.
- The property is listed for $1,600,000 with a market rent at $88,000 per annum.
- EOFY2022 year to date financials are looking to be up on last year!
- The sale includes a fleet of tippers, bobcats and equipment, the website and trading name.
- The location is in Lake Macquarie NSW, just south of Newcastle.
If you are interested in finding out more about this quality opportunity, please email the exclusive selling agent or call 0415 407 777.