Automotive Panel Beating and Smash Repairs business in prime Newcastle location


Category: Repair and Maintenance

Well established automotive smash repairs business for sale with large workshop and a diverse range of clientele.

This quality smash repair business has been established for 35 years and is situated in a prime Newcastle location. The business provides top-quality services to its diversified clientele which includes insurance companies, and commercial and private clients. The business offers a wide range of services covering all auto body repairs, from smash and rust repairs, minor touch-ups, minor and major accident repairs to providing high-quality vehicle restoration work.

This business provides its customers with a high standard of workmanship while maintaining a fair and reasonable price for customers.  Coupled with these high standards and excellent customer service, the business benefits from its large and well-equipped workshop and has a highly trained and expert team already in place.

The business enjoys strong returns, a diversified customer base, a large and well fitted out workshop all in a prime location.

The Adjusted Net Profit to the working owner for EOFY2018 is circa $85,000, which represents an 87% return on the business asking price and the stock at cost is estimated at only $10,000.

This is a great opportunity to purchase a well-established and growing business that has steady and ongoing work and is set for future growth!

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